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PROD application screen


PROD provides a way for families, roomates and co-workers to track and complete tasks in a shared space. You can see what tasks (missions) are assigned to other group members, see what needs to be done and get rewards for completing missions. Four team members completed this application remotely and in person in a month as a final capstone project for WCCI's Flexcode software development boot camp. My role involved UI design and front-end development.


When you live or share a space with a bunch of people, certain work inevitably has to be done. The trash needs to be taken out, the kitchen needs to be cleaned and yardwork needs to be done. The mental load for all of those tasks is great, and such a load can be shared among several people. With an application such as PROD, actively tracking those tasks is no longer an issue. You can just focus on chores with today's deadline and trust it to remember everything else.


PROD is the application that we developed to solve organizing household or other shared space chores. It's named PROD for two reasons. First of all, PROD is short for productive. Prod also means to poke or nudge someone. With our app, a user puts in tasks (missions) that need to be done around the home or office and the application organizes your missions by due date. You can mark missions done or snooze them to do at a later time. You can assign these chores (missions) to users and they can get rewards for completing them.


Mission Organization:

  • Missions can be sorted by location (sector) and user.
  • When added, users assign missions a number of features.
  • If the mission allows it, users can snooze the mission to change it's due date.

Mission Tracking:

  • You can see what missions need to be done and who is assigned to them.
  • Users can join missions and take responsibility for unassigned missions.
  • Users can see what missions have been completed.

Reward System:

  • An interactive rewards system allows users to work for customized rewards.
  • Users mark their missions as completed to gain rewards.
  • Administrative users have the ability to review missions for completeness.

Personalized Themes:

  • Both administrators and users can personalize your experience with themes.









Roboto Slab

Roboto Sans-Serif

PROD app logo

Target Market

PROD is especially made for getting work done in a place where people live together. This may include a household with a parent(s) and their children or an apartment shared by several roommates. Typically users of PROD have responsibility for ensuring that a living area is clean, but household chores are not their only responsibility. The neutral color scheme and customizable mission/sector format for organizing tasks, however, makes PROD adaptable to other locations as well.

Wire Frames

original wireframe sketches for PROD


image of application architecture

Final Product

An animated GIF of the PROD login screen.

An animated GIF of the PROD login screen.

An animated GIF of the PROD login screen.

An animated GIF of the PROD login screen.