× About Skillset Projects Blog Contact

Hello. I am Hethur Aluma, a multidisciplinary designer who likes to code. I get excited about iconography, design systems and creating engaging user interfaces. I aim to take part in developing meaningful inclusive digital experiences that educate and empower. I like a good challenge. I like to learn. I like to explore the world around me.


computer and cell phone screens


  • User Interface Design
  • User-Centered Design
  • Brand Identity Systems
  • Content Management
  • Photography
a wrench and a paintbrush


  • Adobe CS
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Spring MVC
image of moons working together to complete a design


  • Github
  • Remote Projects
  • Peer Programming
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Google Suite


Sometimes the best design solutions are the simplest. At other times, they are not obvious. Either way, I strive to make intuitive and clean design solutions for all users. I define, explore and refine until I've created a functional product that's aesthetically appealing. Below are three projects that demonstrate my UX/UI skills. Visit my blog Work Complements Play to see what I've been up to lately.

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