Days of the Code

My Favorite #100DaysOfCode @ 30 Days In

screen shot of a to-do list

Day 21

This to-do list taks advantage of local storage to add, remove and delete all items from a list. When you rollover the list, it shimmers.

screen shot of Taco Tuesday's rollover text effect

Day 24

Did someone say tacos? Taco Tuesday adds rollover effects to text.

screen shot of day with flex menu with animated effects

Day 10

This day uses flexbox and animation to make a navigation with double-layered meaning.

screen shot of CSS effect on rollover

Day 3

While small, this rollover effect is mighty in my mind. I like the effect and the surrounding color palette.

screen shot highlighting roaches with a flashlight

Day 25

This day highlights a particular div on the page. The effect is like putting a flashlight on cockroaches in the dark.

screen shot of a drawing canvas

Day 11

On this day of code, I learned how to turn the canvas into a drawing board. I added a feature that allows you to select the drawing color.